ترسي حضانة المستقبل الدولية معايير جديدة في مجال التعليم ثنائي اللغة في السنوات الأولى!
تعتبر حضانة المستقبل الدولية حضانة رائدة في مجال السنوات الأولى وحاصلة على شهادتي الجودة والسلامة ISO/OHSAS. تقدم حضانة المستقبل الدولية لأطفالكم منذ الولادة وحتى عمر 4 سنوات تجربة تعليمية فريدة ومتميزة وذلك من خلال مبنى صديق للبيئة مصمم بعناية ومعد خصيصاً لهذا الغرض جنبا إلى جنب مع منهاج دولي ثنائي اللغة.
كيف تقوم بتسجيل طفلك؟ التواصل مع قسم التسجيل
تضم الحضانة فريق عمل طموح من الإداريات والمعلمات التربويات المؤهلات في مجال التعلم في السنوات الأولى.
ماذا يقول أولياء الأمور عن الحضانة
I am very happy for our decision to put Liam our son at FIN. In a few months’ time, we have seen major developments in Liam….his speech, his vocabulary, motor skills, etc. We are looking forward to his next year at the FIN and anticipating all that he will learn.
Very Professional and caring staff. Keep up the good work.
Great job, Teachers! Selina will miss all the great time she had while at Future International Nursery.
FIN has been a second home for my children; Rashid and Meera had the most lovable environment. Thank you Future International Nursery.
My son is very happy at FIN and has made fantastic progress in every aspect of his development. Thank you is not enough!
Dana went to four different Nurseries, and FIN is the only place I recommend to my family and friends. It’s her second home.
The nursery is perfect. I love the staff and the way that they take care of babies. Thank you all!
I am so glad I enrolled Sultan at FIN. He gained a lot of skills both in Arabic and English and has become such a confident happy and wonderful boy. Thanks to an amazing staff (teachers + assistants and administration ) who show such care and consideration in child’s development and well-being. Thank you FIN.
Great place. Great team. My son loves to come to the nursery every day. He learnt a lot of things. Now his sister will join this great nursery, so she can learn and enjoy as well.
Mustafa has changed a lot during his stay at FIN. He has become more considerate towards the needs of others, has learnt to express his feelings and emotions and has thoroughly enjoyed the activities organised for him. He has made huge progress in language development both in Arabic and English. He enjoys going through his Learning Journey booklet and is proud to show all his pictures and samples of work to his family.
I felt so comfortable having my daughter with you at FIN. I felt she had teachers who really cared about her personality development and her emotional needs. She has blossomed and is currently top of her class in her new school.
Excellent school, excellent and caring teachers. I must say that my daughter Sabaha wants to come to school even during vacation time! She loves her teachers and will miss all her friends.
I would like to thank you all. Masha Allah, I feel really comfortable leaving my daughter Asma with you. She has enjoyed her time here thoroughly and is looking forward to joining again next year.
A wonderful nursery: Faisal enjoyed his time at FIN a lot!
This is a school where teachers truly care about your child’s development and well being. My daughter speaks fondly of all her teachers. She wakes up excited to come to school and misses school during the holidays. To her, this is a home away from home and she calls her classmates: “my children”
I love Future Intl Nursery. My baby Huda made a lot of progress thanks to the efforts of the professional team. She is more open now, and can express her feelings in a more appropriate way. She can count both in Arabic and English. Her English has even become better than her Arabic now.
I want to express my gratitude to all the teachers and admin staff. Really, you are amazing. My son Abdul Rahman loves the nursery too much.
Thanks a lot for everything. Haneen loves coming to school. I am glad I registered her in this place. Keep up the good work!
FIN is a great nursery. I wish the team could open a primary school as well so that I could keep my daughter with you!
I was so happy to see the progress of my child Mohammed. He improved his language skills in both Arabic and English throughout the year. I would recommend this nursery to anybody.
This is the best place to put your child in. My daughter learnt so much, but more importantly she had fun and wanted to come each day. All teachers knew her well and what she liked and the next steps for her.
‘My daughter enjoyed a lot this year. We can see a big difference in her attitude and language skills. Thanks for all the effort and hope to see you next year’.
تعتبر السنوات الأولى من حياة الأطفال حجر الأساس لتنمية العادات الغذائية الصحية، لذلك يعتبرغرس العادات الغذائية الجيدة مهما جدا منذ البداية. تابعوا معنا كيف تقوم الحضانة بتقديم الدعم اللازم في هذا المجال
الاطلاع على ألبوم الصور الجماعية! الاطلاع